ASAP - Asocijacija srpskih arhitektonskih praksi

Obeležena godišnjica postojanja

Asocijacija srpskih arhitektonskih praksi – ASAP je 27.marta 2023. u prostoru Belgrade Kitchen Party  na Dorćolu, zajedno sa predstavnicima medija obeležila godišnjicu postojanja i najavila partnerstvo na 45. Salonu arhitekture u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu.

Asocijacija srpskih arhitektonskih praksi broji 46 članova, okupljenih oko iste ideje – podizanje svesti o arhitekturi u društvu i profesionalnosti u praksi. Poput IT stručnjaka i gejmera, i oni osvešćuju činjenicu da samo zajedno mogu biti veliki i pojedinačno, i da jedino tako mogu srpsku arhitekturu i sve najbolje od nje, prezentovati dalje svetu. Osnovni cilj ove asocijacije je da se ljudi iz arhitekture bolje povežu, podele zajednička iskustva, unaprede saradnju i samim tim i celu profesiju.

Prisutnima su se obratili predstavnici Asocijacije, Vladimir Đorić, Danilo Dangubić i Igor Marsenić, i predstavili misiju i dosadašnji rad asocijacije ASAP, koja treba da postane arhitektonski stub Srbije oko koga će se tek zavrteti brojni zanimljivi i korisni projekti.



linkedin: ASAP - Association of Serbian Architectural Practices

ASAP - Association of Serbian Architectural Practices

Association of Serbian Architectural Practices - ASAP marked its anniversary (on March 27 2023) and announced a partnership at the 45th Salon of Architecture at the Museum of Applied Arts. In Belgrade in the Belgrade Kitchen Party space on Dorćol, together with media representatives.

ASAP has 46 members, gathered around the same idea - raising awareness of architecture in society and professionalism in practice. Like IT experts and gamers, they are aware of the fact that only together can they be great individually, and that this is the only way they can present Serbian architecture and all the best of it to the world. The main goal of this association is for people from architecture to connect better, share common experiences, improve cooperation and thus the entire profession.

The representatives of the Association, Vladimir Đorić, Danilo Dangubić and Igor Marsenić, addressed the attendees and presented the mission and the previous work of the ASAP association, which should become an architectural pillar of Serbia around which many interesting and useful projects will revolve.

linkedin: ASAP - Association of Serbian Architectural Practices



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