Kovačevićev umetnički rad je rezultat njegovog interesa za konflikt. On se manifestuje kroz istraživanje i sukobljavanje vizuelnih elemenata, materijala, ideja i postupaka u tenziji,umetnosti i tehnologije. Sociološki fenomeni su lajtmotiv u njegovom radu. Radovi predstavljeni na izložbi Prisiljeni (Incited) Posebno se fokusiraju na:
Trgovinu ljudima - gde se telo doživljava kao roba i transportuje se ilegalno, ili gotovo legalnopreko granica.
Telo kao oružje – kada se koristi za teror na stanovništvom, vojne ili političke ciljeve.Kovačevićev rad otvara vizuelnu platformu za promišljanje problema ljudskih prava, kroz tehnološki i estetski pristup svojstven umetničkom izrazu.
National Galley Belgrade - 16 - 30 October 2017
Kovacevic's artistic work is the result of his interest in conflict. It manifests itself through the exploration and confrontation of visual elements, materials, ideas and procedures in tension, art and technology. Sociological phenomena are the leitmotif in his work. The works presented in the Incited exhibition in particular are focused on:
Loss of privacy - through security checks, body scanners, x-rays of personal belongings.
Human trafficking - where the body is seen as a commodity and is transported illegally, or almost legally, across borders.
The body as a weapon - when it is used for terror on the population, military or political goals. Kovacevic's work opens a visual platform for thinking about the problem of human rights, through a technological and aesthetic approach inherent in artistic expression.