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Neke saradnje moraju da se dogode, iako na prvi pogled deluju sasvim nemoguće. Ana Ćurčin svoju muziku stvara i objavljuje više od deset godina, Marko Nastić je legendarni DJ i producent prisutan na sceni više od dve decenije i evo ih na jednom sasvim novom početku, na zajedničkom projektu Amnasti. Prvi singl je i naziv istoimenog albuma "It Took Me So Long", za koji je urađen i futuristički spot čiji je autor Milan Ličina. Glavni protagonista spota je Nea, plod veštačke inteligencije, koja po rečima reditelja predstavlja ženski princip.
Album sadrži osam pesama i dostupan je i na vinilu i na digitalnim platformama od 26. aprila u izdanju Pop Depresija i PDV Records.
Uz Anu i Marka, Denis Beganović (klavijature i bas) dao je veliki doprinos u stvaranju gruva i atmosfere, Vasil Hadžimanov je koautor mistične pesme "Wait" na kojoj je svirao klavir, moćna "Darling" mogla bi da bude idealna pesma za drugi singl, a "Smiling" je i pre izlaska albuma postala favorit brojnih kolega i prijatelja koji su imali priliku da čuju pesme dok su nastajale. Slika na naslovnoj strani albuma delo je Mihaela Milunovića, a dizajn omota uradio je Bratislav Milenković.
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Some collaborations have to happen, even though at first glance they seem quite impossible. Ana Ćurčin has been creating and publishing her music for more than ten years, Marko Nastić is a legendary DJ and producer present on the scene for more than two decades and here they are at a completely new beginning, on the joint project Amnasti. The first single is also the name of the album of the same name, "It Took Me So Long", for which a futuristic music video was made by Milan Ličina. The main protagonist of the video is Nea, the fruit of artificial intelligence, which, according to the director, represents the female principle.
The album features eight tracks and is available on both vinyl and digital platforms from April 26 via Pop Depression and PDV Records.
Along with Ana and Marko, Denis Beganović (keyboards and bass) made a great contribution in creating the groove and atmosphere, Vasil Hadzhimanov co-authored the mystical song "Wait" on which he played the piano, the powerful "Darling" could be an ideal song for the second single , and "Smiling" even before the release of the album became a favorite of numerous colleagues and friends who had the opportunity to hear the songs while they were being created. The picture on the cover of the album is the work of Mihael Milunović, and the cover design was done by Bratislav Milenković.
Link to all the digital platforms: Amnasti album